Guide in Toscana organizes guided tours inside one of the most incredible monuments of the city of Siena: the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption (Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta) and you’ll be accompanied by Professional and Authorized Guides!
Visits of the beautiful marble floor are available through booking on request all year long and on this very special occasion: every year, from the end of June and the end of July and fom mid-August to late October, you will have the opportunity to admire the magnificent marquetry decorating the cathedral floor, “The most beautiful…, largest and most magnificent…ever made”, as described by Giorgio Vasari.
But what messages are hidden behind the 56 panels of this incredible masterpiece? Who were the great artists that contributed to its implementation and which techniques have been used?
Thanks to our Professional and Authorized Guides, you will discover the treasures hidden inside the Cathedral: true masterpieces made by the greatest masters of all times: Nicola Pisano, Donatello, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Pintoricchio, Beccafumi, Gian Lorenzo Bernini.
Guide in Toscana offers private guided tours, theme-based and tailor-made itineraries, matching our visitors’ interests, schedules and needs: this is why our Professional Guides are at your own disposal and no one else will join your group!
The tour inside the Cathedral can be combined with all the other guided tours of Siena offered by Guide in Toscana: have a look at our offers and choose your itinerary!