+39 347 1464195

Pisa – Guided walking tours with local guides in the city center and the Leaning Tower

Lungarno Gambacorti, 56125 Pisa PI, Italia (0)
from/per group 0.00 
  • Pisa città


To visit Pisa, strolling along the alleys and streets of the historic centre, is like plunging back in time to when it was a powerful Marine Republic: Piazza dei Miracoli with its Duomo, the Baptistry, the Camposanto (the monumental cemetry), and the very famous Leaning Tower; Piazza dei Cavalieri of Renaissance times, via di Borgo Stretto with its arcades, the picturesque Piazza delle Vettovaglie, the medieval Torre del Campano and the Lungarni (the avenues along the river Arno) where, next to the ancient churches of Santo Sepolcro, Santa Maria della Spina and San Paolo a Ripa d’Arno, are the most important palaces of the city: Palazzo Gambacorti, Palazzo Lanfranchi, Palazzo Medici, Palazzo Roncioni, Palazzo Toscanelli, Palazzo Lanfreducci “Alla Giornata”, Palazzo Reale.

The guided tour of Pisa can be combined with the guided tour of some of the most fascinating places in the Pisa area such as San Miniato al Tedesco, the Carthusian Monastery of Calci (Certosa di Calci) and the romanesque church of San Pietro a Grado.

Send us your requests and we will create a guided tour specially tailored for you!