Certaldo: the Clock Keeper for the Public Clock (1815)

The year was 1815

In the month of May, the city of Certaldo deliberated with regard to the duties of the

Clock Keeper for the Public Clock

Employment of a Keeper of the Clock with the charges and commissions hereafter:

To wind the public Clock, to keep it well cared for and to adjust it when necessary.

The annual commission to be paid by the City is set at £ 60 “



Here in Certaldo, someone is still practicing the ancient and noble art of horology:

the Master clockmaker Andrea Palmieri 

He has done restoration work on the ancient clock of Certaldo’s Palazzo Pretorio, as well as the far more famous clock of the Duomo of Florence.

Would you like to know how these antique clocks work?
Guide In Toscana and Master clockmaker Andrea Palmieri  will be happy to show you their secrets!